Air quality affects on human health. Brain requires fresh air. We inhale the fresh air around 20kg/day which occupies 90% of total in-taken substance. As 90% of time is spent in the house, the ind
Kumiko is a traditional Japanese joinery technique which dates back to over 1000 years ago. Combining both beauty and functionality, Kumiko involves fitting together precisely cut pieces of thin w
Japanese SUGI is one of the major coniferous trees in Japan. Akita is famous for SUGI plantation.From the forest stocking and raw material production volume in the following figure, it indicates t
Japanese Cypress (Hinoki)
1. Academic and common names
Hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtuse Endlicher) is an evergreen conifer which belongs to the genus hinoki (Chamaecyparis Spach) und
Japanese Cedar (Sugi)
1. Academic and common names
Sugi (Crytomeria japonica D. Don) is an evergreen conifer which belongs to the genus sugi, subfamily sugi under the Cupre